AFFTA Industry Summit: In Review

AFFTA Industry Summit Review Blog Banner with South Carolina Congresswoman Nancy Mace speaking.

Months of excitement, anticipation, and preparation, could not have prepared us for what an incredibly valuable opportunity the last week has been. What was originally slated to be a three-day thought leadership event, quickly became, a one-of-a-kind networking, conservation, and educational opportunity unlike anything else! With over 100 registrations, 20 seminars, and more BBQ/Beer than you can imagine, we were set for an event of immense proportions. What we were not set for, was just how impactful the event would be…

From the moment you stepped foot into the Francis Marion Hotel, or the Lowcountry for that matter, we were transported into another world. Into perhaps, another mindset. The purpose of a thought leadership event is to marry ideas of business, networking, and social responsibility together. Questions of ethics, purpose and personal goals are meant to arise and be invoked among participants at an event of this kind. The AFFTA Industry Summit was nothing short of that.

For the lucky individuals who were a part of our Industry Summit, our imaginations were engaged without limitation as Janet Coit, Assistant Administrator of NOAA Fisheries discussed conservation. Guides Benny Blanco & Hillary Hutcheson explained the importance of guiding not only fishing but stewardship. And more hands were shaken than we could keep track of. For the individuals in attendance, this wasn’t just an opportunity to hear Robert Boyles, Head of SCDNR speak. Or Dr. Any Danylchuk’s remarks on the importance of responsible fishing. Or even to meet one of the front-running sustainability experts Rick Crawford from Emerger Strategies.

The event quickly turned from an opportunity to network amongst fly fishing-minded people over beers, to the pinnacle of the industry. CEOs of this, guides from there, and new fly shop owners rubbing elbows with large diplomatic individuals from not only the Lowcountry but the entire country. But that wasn’t all.

If it was said one time, then it was said a million times, and that was; Interconnectedness. As Sunday’s cocktail hour, moved into Monday’s discussions, Tuesday’s insights; the interconnectedness of the Fly Fishing Industry and more specifically the importance of bringing it together were apparent. It was obvious as shop owners attended sustainable packing seminars, or guides discussed the significance of being a steward for nature on and off the water, and manufacturers gathered around policy discussions, that we are all moving in the same direction.

As an industry, the Fly Fishing Industry, we desire in-person opportunities to connect across the country with like-minded individuals striving to not only recognize issues but address them. We strive to find commonality and build bridges through shared experiences on the water. And we must take action in and ownership of our natural resources.

It can be difficult to know sometimes how, why, when, and where to speak up in the industry. Moving forward from the AFFTA Industry Summit, with a new incoming AFFTA Board of Directors, and taking with us the opportunities we’ve recognized, we will continue to advocate for the fly fishing industry, provide members with opportunities to network and grow their businesses, and redefine what it means to be a part of a trade association. We are AFFTA, your voice, your resources, and your opportunity to grow!


AFFTA Board Member Election Results


AFFTA Industry Summit : Day Two